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Career Stalled? Spiff Up Your Skills!

Whether you are currently employed or among the many who are “between opportunities,” keeping your skills and knowledge current and relevant can mean the difference between moving ahead and lagging behind.

What’s next for you? Is there a promotion you’ve set your sights on, or a job that’s just slightly out of reach? Now is the time to “get real” and put a plan in place to increase your skills and knowledge, improve your marketability, and build your confidence. Here’s a 5-Step Plan to get you going.

  1. Take inventory.  Get a piece of paper and make a list of your strengths and your development areas. Think about what you want to do next. Do some research to determine the skills and knowledge required to get you there. Is there anything you’re currently lacking?  Add it to the list. Is there a certification or license required that you haven’t earned yet? Add it to the list.
  2. Create a personal development plan. Determine which of the skills/knowledge you’ve identified in step one will most contribute to you successfully attaining your next career goal. Select one or two you will focus on in the next three months.  Seek out resources that will help you develop in those areas – classes, a coach, book learning, volunteer opportunities. Create specific development actions for each skill/knowledge area.  Commit to paper a plan that includes:
    1. Skill/knowledge to develop/enhance
    2. Resource
    3. Target completion date
  3. Execute the plan. Post your plan somewhere visible – your calendar, your desk, your refrigerator. Stay focused! Concentrate on the one or two areas you’ve prioritized – don’t get distracted by the other areas on your inventory list. Take a “melting pot” approach. Keep your eyes and ears open for articles, blogs by experts, presentations, webinars, etc., related to your focus areas. Learning comes in many forms, from many places. Capture it! Be accountable and/or enlist someone’s help to keep you accountable. Reward yourself for completing your development goals.
  4. Update your resume/personal “infomercial.” When you’ve gained proficiency in the skill/knowledge area, add it to your resume, if appropriate. Practice incorporating your new knowledge/skill into your interview discussions. Blend it into the evolving “you.”
  5. Review, revisit and revise the plan. How did your plan work? Did you set reasonable goals? Were the resources worthwhile? Did you find additional or alternate ones you’ll use next time? Revisit your inventory. What are the skills/knowledge areas you’re going to work on next? Create and execute a revised personal development plan that reflects your new focus areas and goals.

Too often when we’ve “got the job” we become complacent and/or too busy to think about what’s next and prepare for it.  Putting a plan in place to continually add to your abilities and knowledge will keep your market value on an upward trend.

And remember: Don’t stop believing!!

Till next time,


There’s a Reason It’s Not Called a Workation. Time to Unplug!!

Imagine this: sitting on the beach, feet in the sand, watching the ocean waves.  There are surfers, and kids playing, and swimmers riding the waves.  Laughter is all around. You cannot believe you are lucky enough to be surrounded by so much beauty.  Oh my…you are actually relaxing…NOT!!!

Suddenly your PDA rings and texts start flying in…there’s another crisis at the office…they need you…and just for a 15-minute call. They promise.  Only one, 15-minute call.  And…we all know what happens next.  You are walking back to the cottage, turning on your laptop and logging in. You tell the family, “I promise, I’ll be back in less than an hour!”  They all nod knowingly…there ain’t no chance that will be happening. Three hours later you are back at the beach.  Clouds have rolled in, the ocean is roaring, and the lifeguards have called all swimmers out of the water.  The decision is made…might as well leave the beach now…it’s too cold to stay. That split-second of relaxation has passed.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day, and I just know I’ll be able to recapture that “state of bliss.”

Does this sound familiar?  Of course it does.  We’ve all been there.  And we swear to anyone who will listen that the next vacation will be different.  But the words are so empty you don’t even believe them yourself anymore.

Exhausting, isn’t it?

In fact, I’m exhausted just writing this.  We all work hard, no matter what our line of work.  And for those who are not in the work world right now, you are working probably harder than anyone else just trying to find your next opportunity.  Everyone I speak to is just “tired.”  It’s as simple as that…and…

We need to get back to basics: we have vacations for a reason.

Let’s compare our bodies and human spirit to a car. We all know that if we don’t properly maintain our car – adequate fuel, regular oil changes, periodic service checks, etc. – it’s going to stop operating effectively.  The same can be said for us. Yet how often do we work through lunch, put in the long hours, check emails/voicemails on weekends, put off vacation…in essence, go WAY beyond the recommended mileage for our body/spirit “service checks”? With our car there’s a little light that comes on when it’s time for service or you’re low on gas. Maybe that’s what we need as humans, a yellow light that comes on when it’s time for maintenance: Impending danger ahead if you don’t stop and take care and nurture your body and spirit.

I have a novel idea…how about taking a vacation and actually taking a vacation.  Go to the beach or to the mountains or to whatever place makes you happy.  Unplug…and enjoy the beauty Mother Nature has provided us.  When was the last time you sat long enough to just enjoy nature?  How could you possibly do that, you ask? Print out this list:

  • Put your PDA in a drawer. If it has a lock, even better.
  • Tell work you are unavailable. If you have to stretch the truth a bit and say you’ll be in an area with NO cell service, do it. You are NOT available.
  • Wherever you go, ENJOY! Play a bit, sit still, don’t sit still, climb a mountain, don’t climb a mountain…who cares…just breathe.
  • Be ON VACATION.  There’s a reason it’s not called a WORKATION!
  • Return recharged, reinvigorated and ready to be “more than just your work.”

Remember what we already know: at the end of our time here on earth, not one of us will be wishing we had worked more and played less. Go on vacation and be on vacation. I promise you, your work will be there when you get back.

Till next time,


Your Job Search Elevator Pitch

Picture this. You’re at a networking event (as part of your job search strategy) and someone says to you, “what do you do?”  Or, you’re in an interview and the first question is, “tell me about yourself.”

How do you respond?  If nothing immediately comes to mind, then it’s time for you to prepare a personal “infomercial” or elevator pitch – a concise, informative statement that describes your key competencies and tells the listener what you’re looking for.  You can use it when you’re looking for a job externally, or even when you’re looking for a new opportunity internally.

Your infomercial should include a brief summary of:

  • Your profession/level
  • Your capabilities and unique qualities
  • The type of opportunity you’re seeking

If you’ve done the job search inventory work that I talked about in an earlier post, you should have this information readily available. The key is to shape it into three or four short sentences that you can state in about 30 seconds.  Here’s an example:

I’m an experienced learning and development professional with expertise in leadership and communications training. My particular strengths are curriculum development and facilitation. My career has spanned a number of industries. Right now I’m looking for contract opportunities in companies that want to enhance their leadership development.

As you create your infomercial, think about your potential audience.  What are some key words that will resonate with them? Use visual, descriptive words that paint a picture of who you are and the unique value you bring to an organization.  Be specific. The clearer you are about what you want, the easier it will be for someone to help you.

You may need to create multiple versions for different audiences. Practice each version until saying it is as natural as stating your name.  Then get out there and use it!  You never know where you might meet the person who has the perfect opportunity for you.

Going up?

Till next time,


Ready to “Get Real” about your career? Check out our online guide here.

Get Real About Your Career – Start by Taking Inventory

The start of the New Year is typically when we “resolve” to make changes: eat less, exercise more, learn something new, change careers…

If a career change is on your list this year – whether it’s moving to a new career, finding new work in your current field, or creating more work/life balance – an important first step is figuring out where you are today. This is what I call Taking Inventory.   Clarifying who you are and what you want will help you define, communicate and achieve your career goals.  Here are 8 key areas for your self-assessment.

  1. Skills.  What are the skills and competencies that have helped you succeed in your career so far? Which of them are transferable skills that will help you contribute regardless of industry or position? Write them all down.
  2. Values. What are the things you MUST have in a company, a position, a leader to be happy and do your best? What motivates you?
  3. Natural talents. What are those innate abilities that keep coming up in compliments and performance reviews? “You’re a natural at…” Fill in the blank.
  4. Interests. What do you like to do? Think large on this one. You never know when an interest you haven’t really focused on so far may lead to a new opportunity…
  5. Job Satisfiers. Or, as I like to call them, “the good, the bad, and the ugly.” What are the factors that have made your past work situations rewarding (the good), boring or frustrating (the bad) or something you never want to repeat (the ugly)?
  6. Barriers. Here’s where you really need to “get real.” What are those internal blocks that have kept you from being all you want to be? Write ‘em down.  Recognizing them is the first step in eliminating them.
  7. Key accomplishments. Think back over your career and other areas of your life. What have you done that made a difference for your team, your department, your company, your community?
  8. Salary requirements. In today’s job market, this is often one of the first questions asked, so it’s good to start thinking about this early.  Consider what your basic expectations are and then, when you’ve determined your target market, do some research to validate your expectations.

Completing these inventories will take some time.  However, you will be amazed at how much you’ll learn about yourself, and how the resulting personal career snapshot will guide you to “what’s next.”

Want to know more about how to “Get Real” about your career? Check out our online guide here.

Whatever you do, don’t stop believin’.  ‘Til next time, Karen.

Dollars on My Mind

Let’s continue our walk through The Get Real Guide to Your Career.  We’ve been very busy in the last seven blogs taking inventory of who we are today.  We’ve looked at skills we want to use, our values, the natural talents that make us who we are, and of course, we’ve even looked at the themes that are the foundation for our accomplishments and  have established our career path.

No Running Away!

Now…it’s time to look at the one area people normally run away from screaming – the dreaded financial conversation.  I can already hear you all saying “I’ll wait till Karen’s next blog.  I’m cool with money; I don’t need to look any closer.”  And…I can even hear “has she gone completely nuts?  Why do we have to discuss money?  I was having so much fun rediscovering who I am.”  Yep…I’ve heard it all…and…I doubt there will be much that will surprise me.  So, here’s a thought…just keep reading for a minute and see whether you can power through without shutting down.

The Financial Conversation with yourself…

I know that the financial conversation can bring up emotions we don’t want to deal with.  The financial conversation can remind us of our upbringing, it can remind of us what we haven’t achieved and it can remind us of how incredibly lucky we are to be where we are today.  My vote, let’s go with the last one and be very grateful for where we are today.  Remember…success is defined by each of us individually, and we have to judge our success on ‘our terms.’  Our financial situation don’t define our success, and it is only one component of our life.  As we look back at all we have learned so far, maybe we can take the “charge” out of the money conversation and realize our life is made up of multiple successes and experiences, and that darn money part is just a piece of the entire picture.

You’ve got to SEE it to internalize it!

So…let’s go for it.  You might as well get out your paper and pencil because you know what’s coming.  Ya gotta write it down.  Ya gotta see it to internalize it and make some shifts.

As we begin thinking about what’s next, and the financial rewards we want with our new career role, we also have to think about our financial requirements today – what we will need to sustain our lifestyle while we look for that next opportunity.  The first part should be fairly easy for us to define.  What are your current fixed expenses?  Those bills that you know have to be paid each month:  mortgage/rent; auto and health insurance; car payment; child care.  Well, you get it.  We all have our fixed expenses, so really think that through and get it down on paper and total the amount.  See that wasn’t so painful, was it?

Now let’s think about our variable expenses:  groceries; gasoline; credit cards; eating out; entertainment; clothing; shoes (a girl’s gotta have a new pair of shoes – maybe that should be in the fixed category!)  Again, you get the idea.  Write down the approximate amount you spend in each category and get your total.

How about those savings?  What amount of accessible funds do you have available (just in case you need them):  savings; stocks/bonds; IRAs; change in the piggy bank; money stuffed in the mattress.  Get it down on paper.  I am in no way suggesting you use your accessible funds; however, it is always good to understand the amount of money you have, where it is and how to get it if necessary.

Remember, this is all so we can truly understand how much money we need/want to make in our next position.  Some people will be thrilled with their current financial situation and will not want to take big risks for big rewards.  Other people might want to take some bigger risks so there is a bigger payment in the end.  All of this is an individual decision and needs to be based on what is best for you.

Time to do some discovery work on what you are looking for from a total compensation perspective.  It is important that you understand your salary/income requirements prior to your search.  This will be based on your target market – including geographic location, industry or type of organization, position/function (all coming in future blogs).  Look at your requirements in the following five categories.  List what you:  a) would like, and b) what you are willing to take in each category.  Be realistic.  Or…maybe you can dream a little bit and have two lists.  Why not?  One that is realistic, and one that is completely out there in dreamland.  You are going to write that book you know is in you, get on Oprah and become a zillionaire!!

  1. Base salary
  2. Commission
  3. Bonus
  4. Benefits
  5. Other (stock, signing bonus, extra vacation time, etc.)

See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?  The salary conversation is often the hardest one to have and you need to really think it through.  That is why it is so important to be clear about your requirements and be able to clearly articulate them.  The more prepared you are, the easier it will be for you to answer the question “what are your salary requirements?”  You don’t want to hesitate…you want to be sure of yourself…and say exactly what you want.  Remember…if you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will.

Hope this helped, and you don’t have knots in your stomach.  In fact, I hope this exercise took the knots away.  You are now clear about fixed and variable expenses.  You are clear about your compensation requirements, and you are very, very proud of where you are today.

Your success is defined by you and for you!

Remember…your success is defined by you and for you.  Don’t let anyone else place their values on you and tell you what success looks like for you and your life!

Here’s to the greenbacks coming your way!!!

Till the next time…Karen


It’s time to brag a little bitWhat are the chances you can do that? Of course, we all know people who brag a tad too much (so annoying)…and then there are those who don’t brag at all (even if they should)…As my Dad used to say to us growing up, “No one likes a show off.”  Needless to say, that has wreaked havoc in my life over the years.  Yes, another story completely!  I will spare you the details!

We’re now at the point in our adventure through The Get Real Guide where we begin thinking about the (Triumphs) we have had in our work life.  No matter what age we are, no matter what we do for a living, we have all had accomplishments that we need to be proud of, and be able to articulate clearly and concisely. When we are successful, it is often because we are applying our skills, natural talents and experience to achieve significant results.  Analyzing your key accomplishments will help you understand the skills and natural talents that helped you achieve them.

Remember when I wrote about our Natural Talents and how important it is to understand what they are, and how important they are to our success?  As we get ready to do our Triumphs exercise, we want to be certain we are acknowledging what those Natural Talents are.  Let me explain.

Yeppers…it is time for some work.  I know, I just can’t help myself, can I? I guess it’s the coach and/or nag (you decide your term) in me.  As we walk through The Get Real Guide, we need to do some work along the way.  Here goes:

Think back through your work life and your many accomplishments.  List 5 of your most significant accomplishments.  Now here is the important part – list the 5 significant accomplishments that you really loved achieving. We have all had accomplishments that –for many reasons-we do not want to repeat.  Today let’s focus on those accomplishments you just nailed and loved doing.  Think about them.  Take a walk down memory lane.  Smile a bit…remember who you were working with, the project, the environment, what were the deliverables?  Why was it a Triumph?

Now, get your list and next to each accomplishment, write the skill/natural talent/trait required to achieve that item.  Be very clear and concise.  Take a look – what are the recurring patterns or themes?  What are the skills and natural talents that are helping you be successful?  Once you determine those…bingo…you’ve got the language you will need as you begin thinking about a job promotion or a new job.  When you can articulate those skills and natural talents, the person you are talking to will be able to see and hear in your delivery the excitement, the energy, the confidence you have. People want to surround themselves with positive people. When you are talking about your Triumphs it is hard not to be positive.

Isn’t it fun just thinking about the good work you have done in the past? Go ahead…brag a little bit…just don’t tell my Dad!

Till the next time… Don’t Stop Believing!!!

Show Stoppers

As I sit here trying to write my blog about Show Stoppers – those things that stop us in our tracks and keep us one step from achieving what we want to achieve – I think…what is stopping me from writing this blog?  Oh…that’s right…I have to be creative, provide substance and most of all give the reader a reason to read.  Just a little bit of pressure, wouldn’t you say?  At this moment, my preference would be to stop thinking and do almost anything else instead of sitting at my computer.  Maybe I’ll go do laundry.  Now, that is a sad state of affairs!  With that said, the important element is to “push through” the negative self-talk and write something meaningful.  I’ll try my best.

Yes, we all have that little person sitting on our shoulder that says to us “are you crazy, you can’t do that” or “you do not have the guts to pull that one off”  or “you’ve never done that before, what makes you think you can do it now?”  There is not a human being alive who does not have doubts about something they want to achieve.  For some, those doubts will fuel us.  For others, those voices will stop us in our tracks and paralyze us.  It is easier to go do the wash.  Yes, indeed this is true.

Stand tall, be confident, provide the reasons you are the right fit and candidate for the position and push through that F-E-A-R.  Own it, make it yours and get that new job.

Fear is an overwhelming emotion.  Susan Jeffers says – “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”  Well, that’s very easy to say; however, making it a reality is taking it to another level.  What we have to do is really think through what our personal Show Stoppers are.  What stops us in our tracks and prevents us from getting that next work assignment?  What stops us in our tracks and prevents us from taking the leap and becoming an entrepreneur, going back to school for something we’ve always wanted to learn – doing whatever will help us fulfill our dreams?  It’s that darn four letter word – F-E-A-R.

As I began to write The Get Real Guide, I realized that in a lot of my personal career development work the focus was on accomplishments, skills, etc.  No one was asking me, “what is preventing you from doing what you want to do?”  Now, I did all types of work around what I wanted; however, I wasn’t answering that dreaded question – What gets in your way?  I realized that I was very similar to others, yes, I was confident, yes, I wanted more and yes, I had “stuff” that kept messing with my head.  I had to address that “stuff.”  UGH…is just about all I had to say.

So, yep, if you have read or worked with me, you know what is coming next…ya gotta get stuff down on paper.  If you can see it, you can own it and then you can do something about it.  So, what’s on your list?  Write down 5 Show Stoppers that have gotten in your way in the past.  The reason I say 5 is because we don’t want you to get carried away and then completely get overwhelmed by what you think you have to “fix.”  Five is plenty.  This can be tough because you have to own what you don’t do well.  Here are some Show Stoppers from The Get Real Guide.  Do any of these resonate for you – argumentative; arrogant; closed-minded; defensive; fear of success (it ain’t just failure some of us are afraid of); insecure, lack of goal setting; perfectionist (yep, I said it – are you a perfectionist?); timid.

Now, take a look at your list.  As you look at your list of Show Stoppers, think about specific times when they have impacted your life, your decisions, your career.  Why and how did they make an impact?  As you look at each one, write down next to it what you are going to do the next time it rears its ugly little head.  An example – fear of success.  As crazy at it sounds, a lot of people are afraid of success.  If this is on your list, how are you going to overcome it?  What success are you afraid of?  When did it impact you?  What do you want next for yourself where you believe it will show up?  What measures are you going to take to squash it?  You want to be thinking about this prior to ‘it’ showing up.  If you have an opportunity for a job promotion, or you have an opportunity to interview for a new job in a new company, be prepared and show ‘em what you are made of.  Stand tall, be confident, provide the reasons you are the right fit and candidate for the position and push through that F-E-A-R.  Own it, make it yours and get that new job.

Doesn’t that all sound so easy?  Hardly!  It takes work.  It takes confidence in yourself and it takes a plan.  And, you know what, you are worth it!

Till the next time… Don’t Stop Believing!!!

Your Journey Begins

Say it isn’t so! I actually am going to ask you, the reader, to begin doing some self-reflection. Don’t stop reading, please! Have some fun with it, and look at it as an opportunity to take some time just for you. We all know there is absolutely no time in this 24/7 environment for us to take time for ourselves. There are the kids, the partner, the parents, the work, the friends, the obligations. UGH…just thinking about it makes my head spin! My vote… take some time for YOU. Even if it’s only 10 minutes, at least you know it’s time for you and no one else. Heck, how are you going to determine what might be next for you in your career if you don’t take some time to work on yourself? I promise it will not be painful. Who knows, you might even learn something about yourself. Oh no! Say it isn’t so!!

 Before we begin our journey through The Get Real Guide to Your Career, let’s get something clear up front. As I coach people who are looking for new work, I often hear them say, “I want to find my passion,” or, “I want to absolutely love my work,” or, “I want to wake up in the morning and jump out of bed because I can’t wait to get to my work.”  Now, this may come as a surprise to most; however, my response is, Why? Don’t get me wrong…if people can find their passion like Bruce Springsteen and others have, I am all for it. That’s a gift, and very difficult to get. Only a very small segment of the population can claim absolute love and devotion to their work. So why set yourself up for failure right from the beginning?

What’s wrong with truly liking your work AND liking your entire, full life? If Oprah heard me say this I am sure she would not be very happy with me. She has been very fortunate to find her passion and to create her entire life around that passion, and to do wonderful things along the way. Good for her!!! With that said… I get tired of hearing: find your passion and the money will come or, once you find your passion, your life will be complete or, live your passion and success will follow. Are ya kidding me?

How about finding work that is very satisfying, and uses the skills and natural talents you have and want to use? I am proposing that you can actually look at your work as only one aspect of your life. Don’t forget about the other parts – your relationship with family and friends – your health and fitness – your fun time – your spiritual self – your ‘you’ time – your volunteer time – your hobby time – your whatever-you-want time. Let’s face it, there are more things in life than our work. My guess is that when you are ready for the final roundup, you won’t be wishing you’d spent more time at work.  My hope is that you can allow yourself to have a full life with a rewarding career that enhances your life and doesn’t detract from it.

Let the journey begin…

As we begin our walk through The Get Real Guide, keep in mind that we want you to do these exercises from the perspective of where you are today. Think of it as starting from a fresh place. Many of you will have done some of this work in the past and may think, why should I do it again? The reason is…because you are at a different point in your life now. As you go through these exercises, think about your future, and the possibilities that lie ahead. Don’t get stuck in what you’ve done, or what has happened in the past. Look at this as a new adventure – one that will provide you something new in your life. Have some fun with it, and please don’t stop reading…

Okey…dokey…first things first…your values. Feeling fulfilled and happy in your work has a lot to do with whether that work aligns with your values. What are values? Your core beliefs. The things you must have in order to be your best. Some examples – trust, harmony, excellence, innovation, fun, risk-taking, collaboration, connection. Take a moment and list your top five values.

What are those things about which you will absolutely not compromise? Yes, it is hard. And yes, it is worth it. If it is tough to list just five, list as many as you can and then review and evaluate them. Then narrow your list down to your five core values.
Why is it so important to define your values when looking for new work? As you meet with new people and consider new organizations, it is imperative that you are able to determine whether your values are in sync. Think about it, have you ever worked for an organization where your values and the values of that organization were no longer aligned? What happened for you? Eventually, the realization is so clear that it is difficult to come to work and do your job in the best way possible. This is exactly what happened to me, and why I hold so strongly to this belief of mapping values.

I worked for a large organization for 13 years and probably stayed 2 years too long. When I joined, my values and the organization’s values were completely aligned. It was about doing whatever it takes to get the job done. It was about feeling connected with my colleagues and challenged to always do the best possible job. People truly were the number one asset for this company and they were treated as such. It wasn’t just a cliché. As the organization grew, the values became diluted. It was still a good organization, I just kept wondering, why am I not as excited to come to work each day? I couldn’t figure it out. I couldn’t imagine what was going on for me. Of course, I attempted to ignore it, thinking it might go away and that I was reading something into the situation. Isn’t it fun to do that? Well…eventually it was obvious. I was so sad, too. I left an organization where I thought I would spend my entire career. I didn’t want to believe it. And, as I said, I probably stayed 2 years too long. So, pay attention to your values.

Be certain that your values are a key factor in your decision to accept an opportunity and join an organization. Or you can do what I did…and just start your own business. Now if my values don’t map to the values of PeopleThink, I am in deep trouble!! Tee-hee…tee-hee…

I’d say this is enough for one sitting. I’ll see you soon, when we look at the skills you want to use…and the natural talents you must use.

 By the way, I would love to hear from you on the passion topic.   Do you believe people have to find their passion in their work to have a successful life?

Till the next time…Don’t Stop Believing!
